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  • You searched for East Lothian Economic Development Strategy

    Oct 25, 2022 ... Climate Change Strategy; Economic Development Strategy; Education Improvement Plan; IJB Strategic Plan; Local Housing Strategy; Local Transport ...
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    Our policies, plans and strategies - East Lothian Economic Development Strategy 2012-2022. ... STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES. 1. To be the best place in ...
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    Plan (2017-2022) objectives and strategic goals - to grow our economy ... East Lothian Economic Development Strategy 2012. STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES ...
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    Our Economic Development and Strategic Investment team implements an economic development strategy for business and tourism ... ... strategies - East Lothian ...
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    Mar 23, 2021 ... Wendy McGuire, currently East Lothian Council's Service Manager for Housing Strategy and Development, is preferred candidate for the role of ..
  • You searched for East Lothian Economic Development Strategy

    Items 8 - 13 ... strategic priorities. Scottish Enterprise is Scotland's national economic development and its 2012-2015 Business ... https://www.
  • You searched for East Lothian Economic Development Strategy

    East Lothian Council download - East Lothian Economic Development Strategy 2012-2022 | Tourism and visitor attractions. ...
  • Search results

    Apr 10, 2019 ... The site is a key strategic component of the East Lothian Economic Development Strategy. Monica Patterson, Depute Chief Executive .
  • You searched for East Lothian Economic Development Strategy

    Our Economic Development and Strategic Investment team implements an economic development strategy for business and tourism ... https://www ...
  • 1 SBAR – East Lothian IJB Strategic Plan 2022-2025 Date: 24th ...

    Feb 24, 2022 ... Situation. At its meeting of 9 June 2021, East Lothian Integration Joint Board (IJB) agreed to extend the. 2019-2022 Strategic Plan by 6 ...