You searched for local%

Results 81 – 90 of about 15500.

  • Consultation set to launch on new Local Housing Strategy | East ...

    Sep 13, 2023 ... Consultation set to launch on new Local Housing Strategy · Communities are supported to flourish, be distinctive and be well connected · Housing ...
  • Proposed ClimatEvolution SPG | Local Development Plan | East ...

    Proposed ClimatEvolution SPG · Access and Movement · The Water Environment · Culture, Heritage and Leisure · Greenspace and Biodiversity · Strong Communities, ...
  • East Lammermuir Local Place Plan 2024-2034

    East Lothian Council download - East Lammermuir Local Place Plan 2024-2034 | Planning and building standards.
  • Biodiversity | Biodiversity and Nature Networks

    Local Biodiversity Action Plans (LBAPs) have also been written to help local wildlife. East Lothian biodiversity is a partnership of local and national ...
  • Support and advice for local businesses

    Dec 3, 2020 ... The recent move from Covid Protection Level 3 to Level 2 for East Lothian has been greatly welcomed by both local businesses and the public.
  • Celebrating Tyne & Esk community benefits

    Apr 10, 2024 ... Tyne & Esk Rural Communities Development Fund is part of the Community Led Local Development (CLLD) funding stream from the Scottish Government.
  • Search results

    You searched for local%. Results 91 – 100 of about 15800. Area offices. We have a network of local area offices located in the six larger towns within the ...
  • East Lothian Council Local Place Plan Template

    Foreword. The following template sets out a suggested structure for how you might want to prepare your Local Place Plans. This is an optional guide that ...
  • Public engagement on Local Development Plan 2 to start | East ...

    Jun 8, 2023 ... As well as being an important opportunity for early engagement on LDP2, the consultation events will provide an opportunity to engage with staff ...
  • Continue to stay local as Scotland moves to phase 2 of COVID-19 ...

    Jun 19, 2020 ... Our coastal and countryside car parks are intended for use by people requiring to drive short distances locally for leisure and recreation ...