You searched for head

Results 11 – 20 of about 7790.

  • Vacancy - Head of Education and Children's Services | East Lothian ...

    Jul 3, 2020 ... Chief Executive Monica Patterson said: "Our Head of Education and Children's Services will play a vital leadership role in developing the ...
  • You searched for head of social

    General Manager (Adult Social Work), ELHSCP. Isobel Nisbet. Chief Social Work Officer / Head of Children's Services, ELC. Lindsey Byrne. Project ...
  • Head Teacher vacancies: apply now!

    Sep 10, 2020 ... Head Teacher vacancies: apply now! - Time is running out to apply for Head Teacher positions at four East Lothian primary schools.
  • Appointments to Council Management Team

    Mar 23, 2021 ... Morag Ferguson, currently Head of Legal and Democratic Services with Fife Council, is preferred candidate for the Head of Corporate Support role ...
  • You searched for head%20of%

    Council structure | Council structure. Heads of Service reporting to Sarah Fortune. Head of Corporate Support - vacant; Head of Finance - Ellie Dunnet. Heads of ...
  • Head of Education and Children's Services: Fiona Robertson | East ...

    Oct 25, 2019 ... Head of Education and Children's Services: Fiona Robertson - Head of Education and Children's Services to move to new role at Midlothian ...
  • Head of Education and Children's Services

    Aug 12, 2020 ... Ms Brown joined East Lothian Council from Education Scotland in July 2017 as Quality Improvement Manager. She is currently Chief Operating ...
  • Search results

    Alison MacDonald is Director of East Lothian Health and Social Care Partnership . Heads of Service: Lesley Brown, Head of Education ... https ...
  • Search results

    You searched for head%20of%20social · Alison MacDonald is Director of East Lothian Health and Social Care Partnership . · Heads of Service: Lesley Brown, Head of ...
  • New Head Teachers for three schools

    Apr 1, 2021 ... Ms Moore will take up post at the start of the new school session in August. She will replace Lauren Rodger who retires from the school at the ...