You searched for best

Results 1 – 10 of about 4700.

  • Best Value Audit Report 2018

    This report highlights that governance arrangements, decision-making processes, leadership and scrutiny have improved since the last Best Value Assurance ...
  • Preston Lodge High School Librarian is best in UK! | East Lothian ...

    Oct 27, 2022 ... Preston Lodge High School Librarian is best in UK! - Derek France takes home the Secondary School Librarian Award at the SLA (School Library ...
  • Best Value Report 2018

    East Lothian Council download - Best Value Report 2018 | Your council | Performance and spending.
  • Best value | Best value

    Best Value places a statutory requirement on local authorities to ensure that they have arrangements in place to secure continuous improvement in their ...
  • Best value | Procurement procedures

    The Best Value guidance approved by the Scottish Ministers states that a local authority must be able to demonstrate sound management of resources. This ...
  • Best Value Assurance Report: East Lothian Council

    Our work includes: • securing and acting upon the external audit of Scotland's councils and various joint boards and committees.
  • Mobility as a Service Best Practice Report 2020 | Active Travel ...

    Mobility as a Service Best Practice Report 2020. Technological innovation presents an opportunity to travel smarter and to offer a personalised travel service ...
  • Best Value Report 2018

    East Lothian Council download - Best Value Report 2018 | Your council | Performance and spending.
  • Search results

    You searched for Results 1 – 10 of about 97. Search results. You searched for best job ...
  • Search results

    You searched for best job search ... ... https ...