You searched for council

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  • East Lothian Council Homepage

    East Lothian Council. Information and services for residents, businesses and visitors.
  • Access the latest content online

    Access a variety of eBooks and eAudiobooks for adults and children by downloading the Borrowbox app available from the Apple App Store, Google Play or Amazon ...
  • Pay for it

    My payment wallet. Store a debit/credit card securely for future use, create weekly/monthly automatic payments, plus other features. Manage ...
  • Council Tax forms

    Council Tax forms · Tell us about a change of address · Reduce your Council Tax bill · Apply for a discount or exemption · Discount and exemption review forms.
  • Report an issue or change

    Report an issue or change · Adult protection concern · Antisocial behaviour · Child protection concern · Council house repair · Council Tax: tell us about ...
  • Core paths | Core paths

    East Lothian's Core Paths Plan was adopted in 2010. Maps of the plan show existing core paths as purple lines and paths that we hoped to build as red dotted ...
  • One Council Partnership Fund

    For many years East Lothian Council partnership grant funding has supported community organisations in their work to help make East Lothian a better place ...
  • Contact us | Contact us

    Information on this website can be provided in alternative formats such as Braille, large print, audiotape or your own language. Email customerservices@ ...
  • Local Development Plan

    Local Development Plan 2018. The Local Development Plan 2018 was adopted on 27 September 2018 and at the same time the Local Plan 2008 was revoked. The DPEA ...
  • Schools and learning

    Our schools ... East Lothian Council, John Muir House, Brewery Park, Haddington, East Lothian EH41 3HA. +441620 827827. -. All content ...