Tell us about a change in tenancy
Landlords, we ask that any tenancy changes are reported to the council tax team within 21 days. This enables us to issue a Council Tax bill whilst the tenant is still resident in the property and prevents any liability disputes in the future.
Failure to report tenancy changes can result in the wrong liability being recorded and any debt recovery action being taken against the wrong person, with legal costs being incurred. We want to make sure we avoid this and work with you to ensure our records are up-to-date.
Any gap in Council Tax liability will be charged to the owner of the property.
Your responsibilities as a landlord
Make sure you are registered.
All private landlords in Scotland must be registered on the Scottish Landlord Register and you will be asked to provide your landlord registration number to the Council Tax team.
Apply or renew your registration
Empty property reduction
If you property is empty, unfurnished or unoccupied at any time, you may be entitled to a reduction in your Council Tax.
Failure to apply within 21 days will result in any reduction only being awarded from the date of application.