Prestonpans to Levenhall

East Lothian Council, through grant funding from Sustrans, commissioned AECOM to develop initial design drawings for a safe and accessible route between Prestonpans and Levenhall, to improve the journey for those walking, wheeling or cycling. 

As part of the design study, these drawings were consulted on in early 2025 with Elected Members, key stakeholders, and the public. Feedback from those discussions is currently being collated and reviewed and will help to inform the next stage of design. 

The initial design drawings can be downloaded using the link below:

Download the design drawings here

This project supports East Lothian’s Climate Change Strategy which aims to reduce carbon emissions and improve climate resilience. The route will also form a key connection, as part of the wider East Lothian Active Travel Improvement Plan, to several routes including Musselburgh Active Toun (MAT), the John Muir Way, and National Cycle Network Route 76 (NCN 76).

Two images have been provided below which demonstrate how this route could look. The first image is a bird’s eye view of the Levenhall area. The second image shows an on-the-ground visualisation of the section near Morrison’s Haven.

Aerial view of the section at Levenhall

Aerial view of the section at Levenhall

Visualisation of the section near Morrison's Haven

Visualisation of the section near Morrison's Haven