A temporary road closure in Haddington will be put in place as part of the construction of a new footpath.
Tynebank Road will be closed to vehicular traffic from its junction with Millfield Park car park to the junction with The Maltings between Monday, 17 March and Friday, 21 March.
The footpath construction includes the installation of a new raised table crossing point and drainage improvement work.
East Lothian Council are developing the footpath, fencing, and lighting at Tynebank Road connecting Mill Wynd to Meadowpark.
With project funding received through Paths for All, the path will run alongside Haddington Athletic’s grounds and the sports pitches with a crossing point outside Haddington Care Home linking it to the existing footpath.
An East Lothian Council spokesperson said: “The closure will be in effect for five days to allow the necessary work to be carried out and a diversion route will be signed accordingly. Pedestrian and emergency vehicle access will be maintained.
“Refuse and recycling bins will be emptied where practical. Residents are asked to have bins and boxes out for 7am on collection days. Access for refuse vehicles to The Maltings will be maintained from Mill Wynd.
“Vehicular access to the car park and nursery will be maintained from Meadowpark.
“Any further updates will be published on www.tellmescotland.gov.uk which we use to inform the public of roadworks.”