As the nation celebrates Young Carers Action Day today, Knox Academy is proud to be the first school in East Lothian to achieve the We Care; Schools for Young Carers, ‘We Recognise Care Award'.

The close working relationship between Knox Academy and the Council’s Young Carers Service is evident.

Run by Edinburgh Young Carers, with support from local services across the country, the We Care Award recognises and rewards good practice around identifying and supporting young carers in schools across Scotland.

Young Carers Action Day 2025

This links with the theme of Young Carers Action Day 2025, ‘give me a break’, which aims to highlight the importance of giving young carers a break from their responsibilities and the need for enhanced support in schools, the workplace and communities to ensure that young carers can fulfil their potential and personal outcomes both in education and career opportunities.

Young carers provide unpaid help and support to relatives, friends or neighbours who, due to illness or disability, cannot manage to live independently without their help.  This can involve a range of physical support like helping someone to get dressed, to practical care like helping around the home, or taking on larger supportive roles such as caring for younger siblings.

Young carers frequently have so much responsibility on their shoulders that they often have little time for themselves and can be at risk of burnout.  Breaks from caring provide vital time for young carers to take time out from their responsibilities to rest, recharge and focus on themselves, be it for a hobby, or just spending time with friends, like other people their age.

'Give me a break'

The 2025 Young Carers Action Day ‘give me a break’ theme also speaks to the need for educational professionals to give carers a break in life, recognising that that young carers can often feel overwhelmed at having to juggle their responsibilities at home and schoolwork. 

The We Care Schools for Young Carers Award encourage schools to evaluate and develop their practice and policy in working for, and with, young carers and their families.

East Lothian Council’s Young Carer Service includes youth workers who spend time in schools supporting staff and pupils to understand the role of young carers, their rights and how best to support them.  At Knox Academy this led to the development of a Young Carers Champion, Gail Fraser, who was trained to identify ‘hidden’ young carers, and be able to offer support and guidance to young people at the earliest opportunity. Gail also became known as a contact within the school who is readily available for young carers to go to if need be.  

One of the initiatives Gail set up in the school as Young Carers Champion was the creation of a cookery group, which as well assisting carers to develop new skills they could use at home, provided time with other young carers, and the opportunity to achieve a national qualification.

Regular peer support sessions

In addition, Knox organises outings, regular peer support sessions and 1-1 engagement opportunities for young carers. Feedback from Young Carers attending Knox Academy confirms that they feel supported.

  • “I see Susan (Young Carers Service Youth Worker) regularly in school and know that I can always go see Gail if I need to.” 
  • “The cookery group is good fun, and we have tried lots of new recipes. I have also suggested recipes for us to try.”
  • “Getting a break from caring takes away stress, makes me feel happier, and takes my mind off my caring role.”

When confirming Knox Academy had received the We Care Award, the panel commented: “We would like to congratulate and thank you for your commitment to identifying and supporting young carers – the school’s dedication and enthusiasm shone through. 

“Furthermore, the hard work that you have so clearly put into developing practice within school and working closely with your local young carers organisation is wonderful to have been able to witness at the panel!”

Cabinet spokesperson for Education, Children’s and Family Services, Councillor Fiona Dugdale commented: “I am absolutely delighted that Knox Academy has achieved this award and hope other schools will follow their example.

“It highlights the commitment Knox Academy has made to its Young Carers. The close working relationship between Knox Academy and the Council’s Young Carers Service is evident and has enabled the school’s young carers to benefit from a range of breaks from caring opportunities. I look forward to this continuing and hearing what they do next.”

If you know someone under the age of 18 who provides unpaid caring support to family members, friends or neighbours, please get in touch with the East Lothian Council Young Carers Team to see how support could be available:


Published: Wednesday, 12th March 2025