East Lothian Planning Committee met on Tuesday 14 January and approved plans for 103 new houses and eight flats on land to the north of Castlehill, Elphinstone.
Committee had first met to consider the application in November 2024 but agreed to continue the application, and one for a footpath connecting the site to Waterloo Place, to a later meeting to allow for issues with flooding and drainage relating to the existing site being developed by applicant Bellway Homes in Elphinstone to be further investigated.
A report detailed the work and engagement carried out between the developer and partner agencies and local community to address the issues raised at the November meeting. Following a debate, the application for new homes was approved by nine votes to two with additional conditions added to ensure community engagement and acceptable foul drainage provision. Four written objections had been received.
The application by Bellway Homes for a connecting footpath was unanimously refused, as Planning Committee decided that it would be harmful to the residential amenity of neighbouring properties.
An application from Wemyss & March Estate for alterations and change of use of a vacant building adjacent to the second and third greens at Kilspindie Golf Course, Aberlady, to form a holiday let, was refused by nine votes to two. The building had been used previously as a bird-watcher’s hide. The planning application had been called off the Scheme of Delegation List by Councillor Allan who felt it would benefit from discussion due to the building’s location and potential use. A total of 56 representations had been received, 54 of which objected to the proposals and two made comment. Committee members agreed with the planning officer’s recommendation for refusal due to the lack of easy access to the building on foot or by car and the potential adverse effect on the integrity of the designated Firth of Forth Special Protection Area (also a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI)) and the Outer Firth of Forth and St Andrew's Bay Complex Special Protection Area.
Consent was granted unanimously for a dog walking facility, field shelters, lighting and fencing to the south of Meadowmill Cottages, Tranent. This application had been called off the Scheme of Delegation List by Councillor McIntosh due to questions around public access to the site. A total of 16 letters had been received. Eleven representations (from six people) objected to the proposal, including one submitted on behalf of the Meadowmill Residents Association. Five representations (from three people) supported the proposals. Objectors raised concerns around road safety as the street of Meadowmill has been designated as a safe cycle and walking route for the people of Blindwells to travel to the train station. It is also a safe walking and cycle route for the children of Blindwells and Meadowmill to travel to school. Permission for the facility was granted for one year, after which the applicant will need to re-apply for planning permission and any impacts on the local community and road safety will be taken into consideration.
An extension to a house in Muirfield Park, Gullane, was unanimously approved following discussion. The application had been called off the Scheme of Delegation List by Councillor Allan due to objection from a neighbour. Following a debate, which highlighted some recent changes made by the applicant, councillors agreed to grant consent.
Committee unanimously approved the council’s response to an Energy Consents Unit (ECU) consultation on a solar development, which is an extension to the Crystal Rig wind farm site south of Dunbar. This had been called off the Scheme of Delegation List by Councillor Jardine due to significant community interest. A response will be submitted to the Scottish Government’s ECU stating that East Lothian Council does not object to the proposal subject to appropriate conditions being added to protect biodiversity including a Construction Management Plan, Habitat Management Plan and a Landscape and Ecological Mitigation and Management Plan covering a 35-year period.
Permission was granted by seven votes to two for 16 houses at Saltcoats Field, Gullane. A motion proposed by Councillor Findlay to continue the application to seek clarification on capacity issues from Scottish Water was outvoted and the committee proceeded to debate the application. Cala Management Ltd had applied to build on part of the wider Saltcoats site, which is well underway with many homes occupied. The new site features a mix of two to five bedroom homes; 12 of which are for private sale and the remainder for social rent including four semi-detached two-bedroom bungalows. Two objections had been received, raising issues around sewage capacity and building on green space. The application had been called off the Scheme of Delegation List by CouncillorFindlay to enable the committee to consider local concerns of overdevelopment of the site, lack of foul water connections, and loss of land currently designated for educational use. Following a debate, during which it was confirmed that Scottish Water had not raised an objection to the proposal, consent was granted.
Consent was granted seven votes to one for alterations to a planning condition to a development south of High Street, Tranent. Permission had been granted in October 2021 to change a former restaurant into two Houses of Multiple Occupation and work is well underway. The applicant had applied to retain a doorway, instead of blocking it off, to provide an emergency exit. Two letters of objection had been received. The application had been called off the Scheme of Delegation List by CouncillorMcGinn to allow a site visit to take place due to concerns about lack of space for the fire escape. Following a debate, members agreed with the officer’s recommendation to grant consent.
The relevant application numbers are: Elphinstone, 23/01333/PM and 24/00699/P; Aberlady, 24/00629/P; Meadowmill, 24/00828/P; Muirfield Park, Gullane, 24/00963/P; Crystal Rig, 24/00007/SGC; Saltcoats, Gullane, 24/01054/P and Tranent, 24/01007/P and 21/00622/P.