Susanne Crichton, a specialist occupational therapist working for the Lothian Works Support Services Team won the NHS Lothian's Celebrating Success Health Hero Award for 2024.
Susanne is a Specialist Occupational Therapist working within the Lothian Works Support Services Team, based at the Astley Ainslie Hospital. Her role involves working with individuals to support them into achieve their daily activities in the workplace, either following a period of illness, or while maintaining an ongoing health condition.

As well as supporting staff across NHS Lothian, the Lothian Works team provide specialist Vocational Rehabilitation services to individuals working in small companies, that often don’t have dedicated HR functions or access to Occupational Health / Therapy services.
The award nomination came as somewhat of a surprise to Susanne, as she was nominated by one of her patients. “I was a bit stunned. I didn’t know what to say. I didn’t tell anyone at first, thinking it would all go away. I was quite embarrassed. I’m part of a team that does fantastic work, I’m just doing my job.”
Now that it’s sank in though, I feel incredibly proud, and am very grateful that someone who has their own struggles, thought of me, and took the time to submit a nomination. It’s very humbling. My team have been amazing too, they have made a big fuss. But I feel we all deserve the award, so I’m really glad I can celebrate this with them.”
“Occupational therapy is only one component of the rehabilitation profession, and vocational occupational therapy is a niche area. It’s great to raise the profile of the work that we do. Our service doesn’t empty hospital bed, but we do significantly contribute to preventing people going into hospital and accessing care services in the first place. That’s our hidden value, and it’s great to be recognised for all that we do!”
In recognition for her award win, Susanne was praised for the support she provided and for her exceptional guidance and expertise all while treating her patient with individuality and genuine care.
“There are many ways to save a life and Susanne Crichton saved my life through the incredible support she offered me during an immensely challenging and hugely distressing time.”
Occupational Therapy Week 4 - 10 November 2024
Occupational therapy enables people to have fulfilling lives at home, at work, at school – and everywhere else – through meaningful occupations. An occupation isn’t just your job or activities of daily living. An occupation can be looking after yourself, such as washing, eating, or sleeping; being productive, such as work, study, caring or domestic activities; and leisure, such as playing sports, hobbies, or socialising. An occupation is any meaningful activity that supports physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing.
The role of the Occupational Therapist is to enable people to manage their health and care needs and to do the occupations that they want, need, and like to do. They consider all aspects of an individual and their environments and work with them to create a plan to reach their goals. By prioritising prevention and early intervention, occupational therapists help people manage their health and reduce the frequency and need for crisis interventions and care services. This will help people to manage their symptoms and needs and reduce the requirement for hospital and specialist services.
Accessing Lothian Works Support Services
The Lothian Works Support Service is a single point of access for anyone struggling with their health or work. They accept referrals for mental and physical health conditions and disabilities.
People can self-refer into the service, as well as receive referrals from line managers and health professionals.
The service is impartial and confidential. They support anyone with a health conditions – without a formal diagnosis. The only criteria is that you must be in employment. They will work with you to help you manage your health at work.
Lothian Support Services: T: 0131 537 9579