The “commitment and care” shown by teams involved in protecting children and young people from harm was praised at a meeting of East Lothian Council today (25 June 2024).

Each case record and interview represents real lives that were changed for the better thanks to the commitment and care shown by the people who are there to protect our most vulnerable citizens

East Lothian Council’s Head of Children’s Social Work Lindsey Byrne was presenting the results of the recent Joint Inspection of Services for Children and Young People at Risk of Harm. The intensive six-month long process concluded that “very good” services, the second highest rating, were provided for children, young people and their families by the East Lothian Partnership – East Lothian Council, Police Scotland, NHS Lothian, East Lothian Health and Social Care Partnership, Volunteer Centre East Lothian and Scottish Children’s Reporter Administration.

Positive working relationships

The final report found that children and young people in East Lothian were safer as a result of staff’s effective recognition and response to risks and concerns. They highlighted positive working relationships between partners using inter-agency referral discussions to plan responses if children and young people were at risk of harm, as well as positive relationships between staff and children and young people that helped to keep them safe. Children and young people felt that staff listened to them and respected their views, while staff had confidence in leadership who, in turn, worked well together with clear governance and reporting structures.

"Fantastic endorsement"

Speaking at the meeting, Ms Byrne, who is also the authority’s Chief Social Work Officer said: “Inspectors found important strengths and were confident that children and young people were positively impacted upon by services to protect them.

“East Lothian received the grade of very good – which I am sure everyone will agree is a fantastic endorsement of our work in this complex and high-risk area. 

“Staff and leaders across the partnership are delighted with the inspection findings and it is testament to the hard work of colleagues across all agencies who work tirelessly to support and protect children and young people in East Lothian.”

"Real lives... changed for the better"

Inspectors, including volunteer young inspectors with care experience, met directly with children and young people, parents and carers, staff and senior leadership teams, committees and boards. They reviewed practices through file reading and evidence reports and considered responses to surveys shared with staff, children, young people and families. 

Ms Byrne added: “Each case record and interview represents real lives that were changed for the better thanks to the commitment and care shown by the people who are there to protect our most vulnerable citizens. This is why we all do what we do. To help people feel able to speak out about abuse and harm and to offer a range of supports and interventions to help make things better.

“I could not be more proud of our staff across all agencies and, as Chief Social Work Officer, I am pleased that this report offers firm assurance of our multi-agency child protection practice. 

The final report is available to read online at the Care Inspectorate’s website

Published: Tuesday, 25th June 2024