East Lothian Planning Committee met on Tuesday 4th June and heard three applications including the relocation of East Links Family Park.

East Fortune Holdings Ltd had applied to relocate East Links Family Park from its current location at Hedderwick Farm near Dunbar to land at East Fortune Farm, near Athelstaneford. The park has operated in its current site for 20 years and attracts 100,000 visitors per year, combining the opportunity to view, interact and learn about a range of farm animals alongside a range of play and activity related attractions. It was clarified at the meeting and in the officer’s report that the application was for a new Family Park at East Fortune, and that the current site near Dunbar would still have permission to operate as a Family Park, including after the current tenant’s lease expires in 2026.

A total of 552 representations were received to the application. Of these, 461 objected to the application including a petition with 313 signatures, and 88 supported the application. Three representations made comment. Six representations were received out of time. The main grounds of objection included the loss of agricultural land, road safety concerns, lack of public transport to the site and the potential adverse impact on local residents. Reasons for support included keeping an important facility in East Lothian, preserving local jobs and providing a safe, outdoor place where children can see animals and enjoy play in a natural setting.

Planners had recommended refusal of the application as the family park would not be capable of being conveniently and safely accessed on foot, by cycle or by public transport, increasing the reliance on the private car, as well as concerns about the road safety risk proposed by the vehicular site access.

Committee members voted nine to one to refuse permission, with an additional refusal reason being the unacceptable loss of prime agricultural land.

Planning Committee agreed to submit East Lothian Council’s objection for plans for an electricity generating station and associated infrastructure on land south-west of Inglis Farm, Cockenzie. The item was called off the Scheme of Delegation List due to local concern.

Applications of this type in Scotland require the consent of Scottish Ministers, with applications processed by the Energy Consents Unit (ECU). The council is a statutory consultee.

The proposed battery storage facility (BESS), consisting of 140 lithium-ion battery containers, was intended to provide electricity for export to the grid from batteries which would store surplus electricity to be fed into the grid when required at short notice.

The council received 11 written representations, all of which made objection to the proposed development. Concerns included the potential impact on health of nearby residents from noise or other impact of this technology; proximity to a primary school, medical centre, local businesses, residential housing and a play park; and the potential impact of a major emergency due to fire or explosion.

East Lothian Council objected to the proposal due to the fact no tree condition survey, or tree protection plan were submitted as well as the unacceptable impact on a new link road due to the proposed site landscaping. It was noted, however, that if these issues were resolved, the application would be in accordance with the council’s Development Plan policies.

Planning Committee noted significant local concerns therefore council will strongly recommend that the ECU should satisfy themselves that either the proposed BESS would not result in an unacceptable fire safety risk or that the matter of fire risk is competently dealt with under other legislation. The council will also recommend that the ECU consider whether a safety management plan should be required. It would also be recommended that local employment be maximised.

Committee members also voted unanimously to approve the demolition of a house, Bonard, at Belhaven Road, Dunbar, and the construction of a new family home. The application was called off the Scheme of Delegation List due to the historical architectural significance of the building and concerns raised by the Architectural Heritage Society of Scotland.

However, committee heard that the house was not listed and not in the Conservation Area and that repairs were not viable when weighed against the costs of building a new property on the site.

The relevant application numbers are: East Fortune, 23/00753/PM; Cockenzie, 24/00002/SGC and Dunbar, 23/01477/P.

Published: Wednesday, 5th June 2024