Online video health consultation appointments delivered by NHS Scotland's "Near Me" service are now accessible from Tranent Library.

From today, Monday 3 June, people can access Near Me video health appointments at Tranent Library.

Tranent Library joins Dunbar Library as the second library in East Lothian to offer private space and the use of digital devices for Near Me appointments.  Near Me is a video consulting service that enables people to attend appointments from home or wherever is convenient. The service is already widely used across NHS Scotland for health and care appointments.

Patients with a Near Me (online) healthcare appointment - but no internet connected digital device) or suitable private space from which to join the video call - can now book a private room in Tranent Library.

They will be given an internet enabled iPad they can use to connect to their Near Me appointment and can ask for support from library staff to get connected if required.

The benefits of Near Me video appointments include:

  • Reduced travel to appointments: time, cost, convenience
  • Reduced time away from work, school or home
  • Easier to attend if you usually need someone to take you to appointments
  • Enables you to have someone with you for support at your appointment (either with you or joining the consultation by video from another location, even from abroad)
  • Better for the environment
  • Reduces spread of infectious diseases

Patients with a Near Me appointment can phone Tranent Library on 01620 827827 (ask for Tranent Library) to enquire about booking the room and iPad.

Libraries and Customer Services Team Manager Caroline Messer comments, “The flexibility to attend a video appointment rather than travel is a positive step for patients, but we know that some people will feel unable to take this option due to availability of internet access, a suitable device, or a private space.  Libraries have been supporting customers to access digital resources for many years now, as well as providing access to trusted sources of information for health and wellbeing.  We’re delighted to offer a further opportunity for patients to access healthcare locally and ensure they aren’t excluded from taking advantage of new developments.”

This initiative is a collaboration with the Scottish Library & Information Council, Digital Health & Care Innovation Centre (DHI), local authorities, health and care partnerships and the Scottish Government.

Further information about the Near Me initiative can be found online at NHS Near Me – NHS Lothian | Our Services 

Published: Monday, 3rd June 2024