People who live in Preston, Seton and Gosford are being asked for their views on how to spend over £45,000 of funds for improvements in their area.

The Preston, Seton, Gosford Area Partnership receives a budget from East Lothian Council for projects and initiatives in the ward. The Area Partnership can allocate £45,000 on projects which help to meet the priorities of the Area Plan which has been developed by the community. Voting is open from 13 to 30 May for the projects which have been submitted through online system CONSUL Participatory budgets (

People can vote for up to six projects from a list of 12. These include heritage art classes, inclusive activities for neurodivergent children at the galas, youth clubs, stay and play, gardening mental health activities, teenage nutrition and fitness, befriending, summer family trips, sports clubs walking football.

Residents aged 18 or over are invited to vote online at Younger residents can through youth clubs in local community centres.  There is also support through local community centres to attend in person.


Published: Friday, 10th May 2024