Frequency of green bin collections changing and brown bin optional permit scheme to be introduced
As part of the East Lothian Council budget 2023/24 which was approved in February 2023, agreed changes to household waste collections will be introduced from April 2024.
The household waste (green bin collection) service will change from a two-weekly to three-weekly service from 1 April 2024. This reflects the focus on increased recycling of household waste through the weekly recycling service that will continue to operate around East Lothian.
A £35 optional charge will be introduced for the garden waste (brown bin collection service). Applications for householders to apply for a permit for a fortnightly collection of garden waste will open from 1 April with the new service starting from 1 July.
Council Leader, Norman Hampshire, said: “These changes were put forward as part of the Council’s budget proposals last year and duly approved. East Lothian Council provides a weekly household recycling collection service for a wide range of materials including glass, plastics, paper, cardboard and food waste and we became signatories to the Scottish Government’s Household Waste Charter in December 2016. As part of our commitment, we have already introduced a Charter aligned single weekly service for source separated recycling and food waste. The next stage in the journey is to implement the Charter’s recommendations that a maximum capacity of 80 litres per week is provided for non-recyclable waste. The changes to the frequency of the non-recyclable waste collection service will fulfil this and enable us to make further progress towards the Council Plan’s aim to contribute to Scotland’s 70% recycling target by 2025 and further support the ambitions of the Council’s Climate Change Strategy
“The amount of waste East Lothian is now collecting for recycling continues to increase and has greatly reduced amount of waste sent for disposal. I would like to extend my thanks to our local residents for their significant use of recycling opportunities which is one of the highest achieved in Scotland.
“Collection of garden waste is not a statutory service and local authorities have no obligation to collect this. I’m aware of some councils removing this collection completely and others running an optional paid service for a number of years. East Lothian Council has maintained a free service that is only used by around 50% of households across the county but current financial pressures mean we have decided to introduce a paid scheme later this year. Further details about how to apply for a permit will be issued in due course and the new calendars for collection dates for green bins will be issued to all properties shortly.”