An opportunity has arisen for a carer representative to join East Lothian Integration Joint Board (IJB) for a three-year term, with the possibility of a further three-year extension.

Could you represent carers and provide vital input into the strategic planning of services in East Lothian?
East Lothian Joint Integration Boiard (IJB) is looking to appoint a carers representative for a three-year term, with the poosibility of a further extension.
The post is intended to represent carers of all ages living in East Lothian, who provide unpaid help and support to a relative, friend or neighbour to help them in living independently.
This non-voting position will continue the work of the previous carer representative in providing East Lothian IJB with a carer’s perspective to inform the planning, development and oversight of health and social care services delivered by East Lothian Health and Social Care Partnership across the county.
Experience as an unpaid carer is essential. Further experience in representing groups and in co-production in health and social care would be an advantage. It is a requirement of the position that applicants live in the East Lothian council area.
Expenses are available for travel.
What is East Lothian Integration Joint Board?
The East Lothian Integration Joint Board (commonly called the IJB) works to integrate health and social care. Its membership includes East Lothian Council elected members, NHS Lothian Board non-executive directors, representatives of the third sector, health and social care professionals and others.
The IJB meets 10 times a year, with a schedule of formal business meetings (held in public/or online, via Teams, with recordings of these meetings available online) and development sessions. The IJB observes the East Lothian Council summer recess in July.
The IJB is responsible for the development of a Strategic Plan to set out priorities for delivery of health and social care services across the East Lothian area. The current Strategic Plan, for the period 2011-2025 is available at:
Download the East Lothian IJB Strategic Plan 2022-2025
This Strategic Plan has seven objectives, aiming to:
- develop services that are sustainable and proportionate to need
- deliver new models of community provision, working collaboratively with communities
- focus on prevention and early intervention
- enable people to have more choice and control and provide care closer to home
- further develop/embed integrated approaches and services
- keep people safe from harm
- address health inequalities
Fiona Wilson, Chief Officer of East Lothian Health and Social Care Partnership comments: “I very much welcome the involvement of carers and service users as we continue to develop health and social care services for East Lothian’s varied communities. The carer representative position on the IJB is key to ensuring that the voice of carers is heard at the IJB and influences all that we do.”
Recruitment Process
Appointment to the position will be through completion of an application form and formal interview. The interview panel will consist of the IJB Chair and the IJB Chief Officer.
The closing date for applications is close of business on 22 December 2023. Interviews will take place week commencing 15 January 2024.
Application forms are available from to which all completed applications should be sent.
Alternatively, completed forms may be posted to:
Fiona Wilson, Chief Officer, East Lothian IJB, John Muir House, Brewery Park, Haddington, EH41 3HA