East Lothian Council’s Planning Committee met remotely on Tuesday 7th March and considered a retrospective application for lighting at The Rocketeer Restaurant. The lighting has been installed on the eaves & guttering around the property.
Planners had recommended refusal but the application was called off the Scheme of Delegation list by Councillor Carol McFarlane, who felt that a site visit should take place.
One objection had been received from the Architectural Heritage Society of Scotland, who felt the lights were garish, prominent and intrusive and at odds with the historical and architectural character of the North Berwick Conservation Area, within which the building is located. East Lothian Council planners agreed that the lighting was an unsympathetic addition to the building and was harmful to its character and the appearance. Furthermore, planners said it had not been demonstrated that the lighting did not have a detrimental effect on neighbouring residential properties as the applicant had not provided a lighting assessment.
However, following a debate, committee members voted five to four in favour of approving the application, with the additional condition that the lights not be switched on between the hours of 8pm and 9am.
The relevant application number is 22/00757/P.