With winter well and truly upon us, East Lothian householders may face increased problems with mould.
People may be experiencing real financial hardship and experts expect mould infestations to worsen as householders opt to keep their heating off in an attempt to combat rising bills.
It is important that residents know how to prevent condensation, which can lead to a more serious mould problem if left unchecked. There is a leaflet available on our website that gives helpful information on preventing condensation. For example it is best to ventilate your home as much as possible; kitchens and bathrooms in particular. Check for leaks, clear clutter, clean extractor fans and use them during and after cooking and showering and open windows if drying damp washing indoors.
Cabinet Spokesperson for Housing and Property Maintenance, Councillor Andy Forrest, said: “Particularly with the very cold snap this December, and with people trying to save on energy bills, it’s no wonder that opening a window might not seem like a good idea. But it’s important to realise that some easy, practical actions can be really useful and can prevent a more serious issue developing. I’d urge everyone to have a look at the leaflet for easy tips to stop condensation becoming a problem.
“In the meantime the council, as a landlord, is undertaking another regular review of our procedures in dealing with any reported damp and mould issues in our own properties to ensure we’re providing the best service we can for our tenants. Any council tenant worried about damp or mould in their home should talk to their Housing Officer.”
If you are a council tenant and think you have water ingress please contact the repairs team on 01875 824311. If you need any advice or help with heating your home, please contact our energy advice service Changeworks on 0131 555 4010 or email ask@changeworks.org.uk
The Ready Scotland website also has helpful information for being prepared for other winter issues in and around the home.
For more financial advice and support, the council website has lots of information. Or call us on 01620 827827.