Families with children whose fifth birthday falls between 1 March 2023 and last day of February 2024 are now able to enrol their child for primary one for the academic year starting August 2023.
Enrolment for a catchment school is via the council’s website at www.eastlothian.gov.uk/p1-enrolment
The online P1 enrolment form is now available until 28 November 2022. Families who deferred their child’s entry to P1 from August 2022 to August 2023 should also enrol their child for P1 at this time.
An online enrolment process for catchment schools has been developed that will also allow parents and carers to securely upload the necessary verification documents. These are an image or electronic copy of:
- a utility bill dated within the last six months
- a copy of the child’s birth certificate. (This is not required if the child already attends an East Lothian Council nursery or a funded provider/childminder that is in partnership with the council)
- the child’s Roman Catholic baptism certificate (for RC school P1 applications, if applicable).
The parental details and address provided on the P1 online enrolment form will be checked against the Council Tax record to verify residence within the primary school catchment area.
Although most children will attend their catchment school, under the Education (Scotland) Act 1980 parents can request that their child attends a different school. This is known as a non-catchment placing request. Non-catchment placing requests should be made by 31 December 2022 using the separate non-catchment form available from the council’s website. Parents are advised to complete the P1 online enrolment for their catchment school even if they are considering applying for a place in a non-catchment school.
Families considering deferring their child’s entry to P1 for a year should still submit an online enrolment form for the catchment school before 28 November, so that a place can be held for their child until the deferral decisions are made in March 2023.
An information booklet with full details on enrolment and non-catchment placing requests can be downloaded from www.eastlothian.gov.uk/schoolenrolandplacingrequests