Details of progress and evaluation of Council Plan 2022-2027 aims and objectives
The 2022–2027 Council Plan Action Plan was approved at today’s (Tuesday 25 October) full Council meeting.
Following the Local Government elections in May this year a proposed 2022–2027 Council Plan was submitted and unanimously approved at the August full Council meeting. The Action Plan sets out the key actions which will deliver the 2022–2027 Council Plan objectives.
Council Leader, Norman Hampshire said: “The Council Plan clearly sets out the objectives and strategic goals that are key to realising the Council’s vision for East Lothian. In turn, the Action Plan approved today provides clarity on the progress and evaluation of these objectives.
“Whilst the Action Plan recognises and identifies key actions in such areas as education, economic development and recovery, transport and climate change, the experience of the past few years has required the council to remain flexible and adaptable to respond to unforeseen challenges such as the global pandemic. The current economic uncertainties and inflationary increases pose serious impacts on both household and organisational budgets. The Action Plan recognises both short term and long term influences and provides regular updates on progress allowing opportunities to adapt as required.
“I cannot recall Local Government facing such serious challenges as those we currently have. In order to continue to meet and deliver the diverse needs of our local communities the Council will continue to develop new ways of working including extending and strengthening partnerships with other public bodies, third sector and business to deliver the solutions most appropriate for East Lothian.”
The Council Plan Action Plan sets out the key actions which will deliver the 2022–2027 Council Plan objectives. Delivery of the Plan and its objectives will be carried out predominantly through key strategies and plans, including the:
- Recovery and Renewal Plan
- Poverty Plan
- Equality Plan
- Climate Change Strategy
- Economic Development Strategy
- Education Improvement Plan
- IJB Strategic Plan
- Local Housing Strategy
- Local Transport Strategy
- Financial Strategy
The full Action plan can be viewed and downloaded from the Council website Agendas, reports and minutes | East Lothian Council (Item 3 on Agenda).