East Lothian Council’s Planning Committee met remotely on Tuesday 4 October and granted permission for a development at Dunbar Golf Club.
The application was for the erection of 78 houses, golf clubhouse, golf related facilities including driving range, short course, practice area and associated works.
The application was submitted by Dunbar Golf Club & Cala Management Ltd.
The proposed golf clubhouse and maintenance facility would replace the existing clubhouse and two greenkeeper’s sheds that serve the golf course. The existing clubhouse, two greenkeepers sheds and the two detached houses that are owned by the Golf Club would all be demolished to facilitate the proposed development.
A total of 173 car parking spaces, including five accessible spaces, would be provided on the west and south sides of the replacement clubhouse building to serve Dunbar Golf Club and the new facilities proposed in this application. This includes an overflow car park which comprises 90 of the total number of spaces which would be used for tournaments and functions. Secure cycle parking would also be provided.
The proposed 78 houses are being promoted by the applicant as a necessary provision of enabling development to cross-subsidise the development of the new golf clubhouse, golf related facilities including new pro-shop, golf academy, driving range, short course, practice area and maintenance facilities.
Committee members voted by seven to three in favour of the application, subject to a number of conditions and to the prior conclusion of a legal agreement to secure financial contributions towards accommodation at local schools, transport improvements and sports pitch provision.