We are urgently seeking foster carers to support local children.
East Lothian Council are urgently seeking foster carers to support local children.
Foster carers provide children and young people with a safe, stable and comfortable environment that allows them to develop. We want to keep East Lothian children in local homes – in areas that they already know and are attached to where they can maintain relationships with school and friends. Moving outside East Lothian risks these important bonds which we all need.
The role of a foster carer is a highly rewarding one in which you can help a child thrive. We want to make sure that all children have access to local foster carers as and when they need to. Children and young people who have care experience have told us how important this local support is for them.
We are with you every step of the way through the fostering process and have a dedicated team with extensive experience available to support you. A career as a foster carer is a challenging but rewarding one that allows you to help a child flourish. You receive payment for your role as well as receiving expenses to make sure that both you and the child are supported to succeed.
If you are interested in becoming a foster carer, or just want to find out more information, our fostering team are more than happy to help. You can give them a call on 01620 827643, explore more information on our webpage or attend our virtual information drop in session on June 23 at 6pm.