East Lothian Council’s Planning Committee met remotely on Tuesday 17th August and considered a number of applications including an electricity substation on the former Cockenzie Power Station site.
Committee members unanimously approved outline planning permission for Seagreen to construct an electricity substation on part of the Cockenzie site, to take power from an offshore windfarm and feed it into the National Grid, with associated underground cabling. The undersea cables will be considered separately by Marine Scotland.
Community consultation had already taken place through the Pre Application Notice process. Committee was told that granting permission for the Seagreen proposal would not prevent other development on site, including potential cruise or port activity.
Members also heard that there was already planning permission in principle in place for a substation on part of the site by Inch Cape Offshore, which had been granted by Scottish Ministers.
Owners of a holiday cottage at Canty Bay, North Berwick were also granted permission to extend the building with only one committee member voting against the proposal. There had been 24 objections to the application, raising concerns including that the work to the building would be out of keeping with the area, which is why it was called off the Scheme of Delegation list to be decided at Planning Committee.
Members heard that there had been a number of alterations made to the plans, to the satisfaction of council officers, who recommended approval of the application. It was approved at committee with the additional condition that a Construction Method Statement be approved prior to any work starting, to allay concerns over construction traffic and access; and that a timetable for the re-contouring of the front garden, also be agreed.
Permission was also granted for extension to delivery hours at the Aldi store in North Berwick. Concerns had been raised about potential noise disruption to local residents, however members voted unanimously to approve the application for one year only and with the additional requirement of a Noise Management Plan.
The relevant application numbers are: Cockenzie, 21/00290/PPM; Canty Bay, 21/00001/P and North Berwick, 21/00564/P and 20/01120/P.