East Lothian Council’s education service is consulting on two draft policies that outline the authority’s approach to address bullying and promote inclusion, equality and accessibility in its schools.

The draft policies have been shared and are available to view and comment on the council’s consultation hub. They have been shared widely with schools, parents’ groups and unions. 

“Respect for All: Promoting positive and respectful relationships in all our schools” has been developed in line with the Scottish Government's national approach to anti-bullying for Scotland's children and young people. In its consultation the council is seeking views on bullying and the draft policy itself to ensure that it will meet the needs of children and young people and reflect their experiences and environment.
The draft “Included, Engaged & Involved: Inclusion, Equality and Accessibility for All” policy details the actions that all schools and learning establishments should take in these essential areas to ensure that they are supporting children and young people achieve equity and excellence. The draft policy states that an inclusive approach, with a celebration of diversity and an ambition for all to achieve is essential to getting it right for every child and raising attainment for all.  

The council has combined its previous Inclusion and Equality policy with its Accessibility policy (which the council has a statutory responsibility to consider) reflects that access to learning is not limited to physical access to building, but increasing access to all aspects of school life including the curriculum and health and wellbeing.

Both consultations are available on the Consultation Hub until 12 November 2020.

Published: Friday, 30th October 2020