People who identify as keyworkers with children who will need learning and childcare are being encouraged to submit information to the council.
A letter was sent out to parents/carers through schools on Friday requesting information from people who identify as key workers. The Council is progressing as a priority its plans for providing learning and childcare for key workers and we want these in place as soon as possible.
If you haven’t already completed and returned the form then please do so as soon as possible and return it to your school by 5pm on Monday 23 March.
Complete the keyworker form
The First Minister has reiterated (Sunday, March 23) that - following the closure of schools - childcare being established in each local authority is emergency provision for frontline keyworkers where there is no-one else in the house to look after your child and no other alternative.
East Lothian Council will be opening a small number of Children’s Hubs but we need to ensure that those parents who really need a place get it. Please help us and don’t apply for a place unless it is absolutely essential. We are required to keep numbers in the hubs to an absolute minimum and will be prioritising Category 1 keyworkers in the first instance.
Please note that the First Minister has also announced that no S4-S6 young people will be able to access schools to complete their coursework. Your school will be in touch with you to provide further information.
Published: Sunday, 22nd March 2020