Letter from Lesley Brown, Chief Operating Officer for Education, to parents and carers in East Lothian following the First Minister's announcement 18 March 2020.

Dear Parent/Carer,

Following the Coronavirus outbreak, the First Minister has today announced that it is her expectation schools and nurseries in Scotland will close to pupils at the end of this week.

The Education Secretary is expected to provide more detail in a statement tomorrow (Thursday) about the arrangements for this, as well as providing information about SQA exams and what this means for key workers.

East Lothian Council has been putting robust plans in place to handle the implications for our services resulting from the Coronavirus. This work continues as a matter of priority across our local authority schools and nurseries, following the First Minister’s announcement regarding closures in Scotland. We are developing our plans to manage this as best we can, including maintaining access to free school meals for children who are eligible.

This will clearly be a very challenging time for all of us and I appreciate that families will be concerned about the provision of education during the period ahead.

The council has a firm focus on dealing with the challenges presented and supporting you at this difficult time.

We will provide more information about this after the Education Secretary’s statement tomorrow.

Lesley Brown
Chief Operating Officer (Education)

Published: Wednesday, 18th March 2020