Have your say on the council's draft Climate Change strategy
An eight week consultation period on a draft East Lothian Climate Change strategy has opened. The draft strategy sets out how the council will continue to reduce its carbon emissions that cause global warming, adapt to changes in our climate, and improve sustainability.
Chief Executive, Angela Leitch, said: “The draft Climate Change strategy is an important piece of work which sets out how the council will tackle climate change locally and also how it will work in partnership to ensure that East Lothian as a community can play its full part in the national and international efforts to reduce carbon emissions. This is important to ensure that we have sustainable, thriving communities.”
“The council is keen to hear people’s views on its proposals for how both the council, and East Lothian as a whole, including local communities, businesses, organisations and individuals, can tackle climate change.”
“Climate change is one of the defining issues of our times. It can be difficult to know what we, as individuals, can do to make a difference and help reduce the impacts of climate change but we all need to act. East Lothian Council recognises the role that leading by example at a local level can make on reducing carbon emissions, and on improving sustainability.”
In its draft Climate Change strategy the council sets out its proposals to tackle climate change by reducing carbon emissions. These include: continuing to improve the energy efficiency of homes and public buildings; reduce, reuse and recycle waste; improving active travel and sustainable transport networks and promoting behaviour change to more sustainable travel choices; supporting local businesses to improve resource efficiency and sustainability; ensuring that East Lothian is a place which enables people to make sustainable choices and promotes green networks, places for nature and local food growing; and managing our natural environment to off-set carbon emissions.
All of these actions will reduce carbon emissions and help us to move towards a low carbon and sustainable East Lothian.
Environment spokesperson, Cllr Norman Hampshire said: “Tackling these issues will also help to reduce inequalities. Improved energy efficiency of homes will also reduce fuel poverty. Walking and cycling rather than driving improves air quality and physical activity levels, and leads to significant health and wellbeing improvements. Whilst thriving local businesses create local jobs and reduce the need to travel.”
“East Lothian’s climate is already changing, and in future we can expect warmer drier summers, milder wetter winters, and more extreme weather events such as heatwaves, storms and floods. We have to respond to the challenges this is causing and the opportunities this brings. The draft climate change strategy sets out how the council will prepare for and manage climate change impacts, and will work in partnership to develop resilient communities, ensure businesses are prepared, and support our natural environment in ways that can help us adapt to climate change.”
“None of us can achieve this on our own, and the draft strategy recognises this and the importance of working in partnership with our local communities, businesses, organisations and individuals to achieve these outcomes.”
Chief Executive, Angela Leitch, added: “We are particularly keen to hear from young people, and we have included a proposal in our strategy for a Young People’s Climate Change Forum, to ensure our young people’s voices are heard and to work with them to take local action.”
Take part in the public consultation on the draft East Lothian Climate Change strategy go online between 27th May and 22nd July 2019 or email: climatechange@eastlothian.gov.uk
Additional information:
What can you do to reduce your carbon footprint and be more sustainable?
- Walk or cycle rather than using the car for shorter journeys
- Reduce, reuse, recycle your waste
- Improve the energy efficiency of your home and business
- Use sustainable transport
- Buy local food, or grow your own
- Help improve your local greenspace for wildlife, and for people