Cameron is a Modern Apprentice working in East Lothian Works, our employability and business advice centre.
With a Modern Apprenticeship you can get paid while learning and it gives you more experience.
Cameron applied for the Modern Apprenticeship after seeing it advertised through public sector job portal MyJobScotland. “When I left school I was looking for an apprenticeship and spotted it. I didn’t want to go into further education. With a Modern Apprenticeship you can get paid while learning and it gives you more experience,” explains Cameron.
His role is wide ranging, gaining experience in every aspect of business administration and office management. He’s enjoying the variety and responsibility that comes with the job: “It’s more flexible than being at school; you feel a bit more independent about yourself,” he says. “It’s a chilled out atmosphere and everyone’s really friendly. I’m part of the team.”
Every month he meets with Caroline from Limelight Careers who takes him through the Modern Apprenticeship work units to ensure that he is developing the necessary skills and experience in the projects he undertakes.
At the end of the apprenticeship Cameron hopes to secure a job within the council or apply for a similar business administration role in another organisation. Whatever his future holds, a Modern Apprenticeship is a route into employment he highly recommends: “I’d say definitely go for it. It’s a good role to get into.”
Follow us all week as apprentices working across the council share their stories with us to celebrate Scottish Apprenticeship Week.