Record-breaking funding secured to expand the network of EV chargers Further expansion of EV chargepoints in county Published 8th September 2021.
East Lothian Council’s first Community Asset transfer approved Dunbar-based charity The Ridge has purchased Black Bull Close and Backlands Garden in the town from East Lothian Council in the county’s first Community Asset Transfer (CAT). Published 6th September 2021.
Latest COVID-19 testing arrangements for residents with no symptoms The locations where East Lothian residents with no symptoms can get tested next week have been confirmed. Published 3rd September 2021.
LEADER brings Scottish Rural Parliament to Midlothian/East Lothian Tyne Esk LEADER has become gamekeeper turned poacher and secured funds to promote the Scottish Rural Parliament in rural Midlothian and East Lothian. Published 3rd September 2021.
Official opening of Ormiston Pump Track A fun-filled community event has been organised to mark the official opening of East Lothian’s first specialist track for biking and skateboarding. The event will take place from 3pm this Sunday. Published 3rd September 2021.
Science Foundation Apprenticeships prevail during lockdown Twelve senior pupils from across six East Lothian Secondary Schools have completed their Foundation Apprenticeship (FA) in Scientific Technologies despite facing challenges from lockdown restrictions. Published 3rd September 2021.
East Lothian Health and Social Care Partnership takes action to prepare for winter Staffing will be consolidated at the East Lothian Community Hospital in Haddington in order to ease the additional pressure caused by high levels of absence due to sickness and the need for staff to self-isolate Published 1st September 2021.
Marking Refurb and Extension Construction Start at The Harbours Medical Practice 3.4m refurbishment and 400m2 extension of the Harbours Medical Practice will complete in Autumn 2022 Published 1st September 2021.