Nature Networks in our parks and greenspaces

Nature networks logo and holly blue butterfly.We are keen to bring nature closer to our communities, by enhancing and extending our nature networks and boosting biodiversity in our parks and greenspaces. This will bring wide ranging benefits not just to nature, but also to the health and wellbeing of our local communities, and will help us tackle the climate emergency.


Following the success of nature restoration projects across East Lothian’s countryside sites, this project will identify, explore and provide advice on opportunities in parks and greenspaces in our towns and villages, supported by our communities. We will aim to deliver these over the coming years.

Our report and action plan on ‘Improving Nature Networks for East Lothian’s Communities’ is available for download.

Download Improving Nature Networks for East Lothian’s Communities


Helping wildlife flourish

A nature network connects nature rich sites, restoration areas and other environmental projects through a series of areas of suitable habitat, habitat corridors and ‘stepping stones’ for wildlife. These include hedgerows, longer grass, meadows and trees, rain/bog gardens or wetland areas. As well as helping our wildlife, other benefits to nature networks include helping us to adapt to climate change in our urban areas.

Nature Networks explained

Restoring habitats

Biodiversity is in decline. One of the driving factors is the fragmentation of habitats and habitat loss. Parks, remnants of natural habitats and other greenspaces are important for biodiversity in urban and developed spaces. Managing these areas for biodiversity and having nature networks will help connectivity and restoration of habitats across urban and rural landscapes. This will help resilience and healthy ecosystems, supporting East Lothian’s biodiversity and bringing positive benefits of nature closer to where people live.

Climate ready places

7 ways to support nature recovery

The UK has pledged to protect 30% of our land and seas by 2030 to support nature recovery.

What can you do to help?

In the news

Council awarded £23,000 grant to improve Nature Networks in the county

Funding boost for £1million Scotland’s parks initiative

Nature Networks expanding across East Lothian