Play Sufficiency Assessment (PSA) - East Lothian
The Play Sufficiency Assessment (PSA) is intended to provide an overall picture as to the provision and distribution of outdoor play opportunities for children and young people across the totality of East Lothian.
East Lothian Council commissioned Play Scotland to assess the quantity, quality and accessibility of their play spaces to inform their baseline PSA. In addition, Play Scotland undertook a detailed assessment of all formal public outdoor play spaces in East Lothian, with particular focus on inclusion and accessibility.
The Planning (Scotland) Act 2019 introduced new duties on planning authorities to assess the sufficiency of outdoor play opportunities for children and young people in their area and use the assessments to inform their Local Development Plan. The Regulations require PSAs to include a map identifying locations of all formal play spaces and statements as regards to the quantity, quality and accessibility of both formal and informal outdoor play opportunities. Informal play spaces are defined as areas of open space of which the primary function is not play.
The PSA will inform the Evidence Report for the next East Lothian Local Development Plan, and it is anticipated that future PSAs will be undertaken to coincide with future Local Development Planning processes.
Download the play sufficiency assessment report and appendices