

We are supported by a range of volunteers in our libraries. They help us to run groups, support computer learning and deliver books to people in their own homes - as well as many other things. 

If you're interested in volunteering in a library speak to the team at your local library.

Find out about other volunteering opportunities through Volunteer Centre East Lothian

Visiting the library 

You could support a friend or family member to come to the library. You could attend a group together, or help them collect their books. 

Would you be interested in running or supporting a group?  You could share your skills. 

If you like meeting new people you could come to the library and sit and chat whilst having hot drink in our comfy sitting spaces.

All our libraries are warm and safe spaces. 

Supporting your local community

Many of our libraries collect for the local foodbank and we organise and support coat swaps, uniform swaps and seed swaps.  Visit your local library to find out more.