Falls prevention advice
If you are worried about losing your balance, make use of our self management checklist to reduce your risk of having a fall.
- Eyesight is important for balance as it can deteriorate as we get older.
- Getting your eyes checked regularly, wearing glasses as required, and the right glasses for the job, can help.
- Remember your eyes also need time to adjust when moving to areas of changing light.
- Walking in bare feet/socks can increase risk of slipping. Well fitting footwear should be worn when walking.
- Soft, firm leather shoes with man-made thin sole and low/flat heel with good grip are best.
- Slippers should not be worn for long periods, and should have appropriate fastening to keep them on your feet
- Foot pain can affect your balance and stability. Feet should be looked after, and toenails trimmed regularly.
Bone Health 
- As we get older, our bones become thinner and can lead to osteoporosis.
- Women are more prone to osteoporosis than men, which can increase the risk of sustaining a broken bone from a fall.
- It’s important to maintain bone strength, through diet rich in calcium and vitamin C, as well as doing weight bearing exercises, and limiting alcohol and smoking.

- Medication can have an impact on your balance in several ways:
- Being on too many - more than 4 medicines daily (known as "polypharmacy")
- Being on certain medication - some drugs can cause drowsiness, whilst others can cause blood pressure to lower and cause dizziness
- Mixing medication – taking over the counter meds can sometimes influence other meds you are taking
- Make sure any side effects following new medications/medication changes are reported to your GP or pharmacist.
- Eating a healthy balanced diet and drinking plenty of water can help to keep you fighting fit and on your feet.
- Missing a meal can make you feel dizzy or faint, and dehydration can lead to dizziness and loss of balance.
- Remember that alcohol can affect balance, coordination and judgement, increasing the risk of a trip or fall.
- A bladder or bowel problem can make you rush to toilet or go to the toilet more often.
- Ensure any continence issues are correctly treated/managed and factor that in when going out.
- It's important that if you find yourself getting up frequently during the night, that you remember to consider the lighting to prevent a slip, trip or fall.
Physcial Activity 
- Lack of activity can result in loss of bone density and muscle strength, leading to reduced mobility and confidence, and increased risk of losing your balance. Moving more can help you to strengthen muscles and improve balance, whilst reducing joint pain, which can make it easier for you to move around safely.
- Keeping active should be fun and include daily activities that you enjoy. The more you enjoy something, the more likely you are to make a habit out of doing it.
Walking Aids 
- Sometimes a walking aid is needed to keep you steady on your feet.
- Ensure you use the aid prescribed to you, for indoor and outdoor use.
- Ensure all mobility / walking aids are well maintained.
- Sometimes familiar environments can become difficult to get around. Some simple things that can keep you safe in your home includes:
- Keeping floors and stairs clutter free. Loose rugs, clutter and trailing cables can all pose as a trip hazard.
- Having appropriate lighting throughout. Avoid walking in the dark by ensuring lights are easily reachable or automatic.
- Using equipment as required. Grab rails on steps can offer additional support, whilst good height chairs and beds can reduce the risk of a fall.
- Putting a bell on your pet’s collar. Cats and dogs like to wind their way around your feet, so if you can’t see them, at least you can hear them.
- Slips in the shower or bath can be common.
- Use of rubber backed mats, grab rails and/or bath and shower seats can help reduce that risk.
- Just make sure to lift towel bathmats when not in use, as they can pose as a trip hazard.
Technology Support 
- Tech support can help alert others to you whereabouts (such as pressure mats or bed monitors) or let you call for help of required (such as a CAS alarm or falls detector).
- Smart TEC can also offer great solutions to checking in with people or being able to summon help.
- Find out more on our Smart Home webpage.
Make a Plan 
- It's important to have a plan in place so you know what to do should you experience a fall.
- What support do you have at hand to help you up?
- Who can you contact to get help and how can you reach them?
- Knowing what to do and how to recover from a fall can greatly assist recovery.