Join us for an informative session on becoming a Shared Lives carer in East Lothian. This event will provide insights into how you can support adults with learning disabilities, mental health conditions, or other needs by welcoming them into your home and family life. Learn about the application process, training, and the rewarding experiences of current carers.
Don't miss this opportunity to make a meaningful difference in your community.
Event Details: IN PERSON EVENT
- Date: Tuesday, 4 February
- Time: 4pm to 6pm
- Location: The Bleachingfield Centre, Countess Cres, Dunbar, EH42 1DX
Event Details: ONLINE EVENT
- Date: Wednesday, 5 February
- Time: 11am to 12pm
- Location: Online Microsoft Teams.
For more information and to register, please visit our Eventbrite page.

Have you got space in your life and your home to support an adult?
Shared Lives is a community/family based model of care and support that provides long term, short breaks and day support within Shared Lives Carer’s homes. Most of us think that home, family and friends are the most important things in life and this is also the case for people with support needs. Our Shared Lives service provides this for people who may otherwise live much more isolated and lonely lives.
What is Shared Lives?
Shared Lives arrangements range from offering support for a few hours a week (day support), to overnights stays (short breaks) or providing a long term home (long term). Shared Lives Carers are self-employed and receive a fee for their work. Shared Lives is run by East Lothian Health and Social Care Partnership and is registered with the Care Inspectorate.
Who uses Shared Lives?
- people who are over 16 and have a specific support need that may be because of a learning disability, physical disability, sensory impairment, autism and/or mental health
- older people and people with dementia
The matching process and choice is key. We carefully match people using the service to carers and both parties have a choice. This is fundamental to the success of the service.
Ready to take the next step?
Could you be a Shared Lives Carer?
Working as a Shared Lives Carer can be flexible so it can fit in with your life and your availability. We are looking for people (families or individuals) who:
- are from all walks of life and backgrounds, no qualifications are needed
- have personal qualities such as patience, flexibility and compassion
- are good communicators
- are willing to work on a self-employed basis
- want to support people to realise their potential have a spare room (for short breaks and long term support).
We are particularly looking for people who can provide either day support in your local community or short breaks. Day support includes for example: sharing hobbies such as craft or gardening or doing activities together such as an exercise class or walking. Short Break carers have someone to stay in their own home for an agreed length of time- this could be a weekend or for up to few weeks.
Read more case studies from Shared Lives carers and families
Application process
- complete an application form
- give the names of referees
- undergo a PVG and criminal records check
- meet regularly with one of the Shared Lives Co-ordinators to assess your suitability.
Carers receive ongoing training and support from our Shared Lives Coordinators who work within the Health and Social Care Standards and the Scottish Social Services Council Codes of Practice. The service is registered with and regulated by the Care Inspectorate.

Further information
If you would like further information, we can send you an enquiry pack and are keen to speak with you to answer questions by phone or email.
Contact or phone our Shared Lives Co-ordinator 01620 827280