Haddington and Lammermuir

closeup photo of knitting


Keep the Heid

Keep The Heid Mental Health Cafe is an informal but structured discussion group for people living with mental health problems in and around Haddington.

Keep The Heid provides a safe space to talk about mental health and the impact of conditions such as anxiety or depression. The group is run by a volunteers and a professional facilitator. The aim of the service is to give peer support to those struggling with their mental health. Friday evenings from 7:30pm to 9:pm but people are welcome any time after 7pm for tea, coffee and cake at the Trinity Centre.

Haddington Peer Project

Drop in Soup Group, for people living with mental health issues. Meets every Thursday between midday and 2pm at the Trinity Centre. This is a Peer Led Mental Health and Wellbeing Project


Haddington Library

Your local library is here to help anyone who needs support. Stay warm, stay safe and stay connected. Find out what's available at Haddington library.

The John Gray Centre Museum

The museum is free to visit and has regularly changing craft activities suitable for children and families as well as reference books available to browse and read.

Read more on the John Gray Centre website

Our Community Kitchen

Our Community Kitchen brings people together in the Haddington and Lammermuir area who are socially isolated, to share good hearty home cooked food in a relaxed and friendly environment, allowing for friendships to form. There are no barriers to age or ability all are welcome. As well as bringing people together for a meal at Haddington Bowling Club, the project also delivers hot meals to local people. They welcome referrals from health care professionals, self-referrals and from people locally who see or know someone who would benefit from being involved. If you would like to make a referral or would like any further information please contact elaine@ourcommunitykitchen.org.uk or visit Our Community Kitchen East Lothian on Facebook (please ask to join the group to see their activity)

Haddington Bridge Centre

The Bridge Centre has a range of activities for all ages. For adults there are classes and groups running at the Centre by U3A (University of the third age), Ageing Well and Keep Fit classes. Visit bridgecentrehaddington.co.uk

Nungate and Haddington Community Centre 

Nungate and Haddington Community Centre runs a recovery café lunch on Tuesday and Fridays 10am to 3pm for Friday Friends. The Jericho café has restarted on the first Saturday of the month.  A bingo evening every Thursday. Monthly Elim Messy Church runs activities for families in community, including lunch.

Haddington and District Day Centre

The day centre provides a variety and appropriate activities as well as refreshments and home cooked lunch for their clients. They also have an outreach service


A group of committed community volunteers have developed community activities in the village like monthly coffee mornings, a knit and knatter group and a walking group.


Toasty Tuesday 

Toasty Tuesday evolved to provide a warm place for residents to go to and enjoy the company of volunteers and a delicious snack lunch. Fortnightly lunches are held in the village hall providing residents with food, contact and support to the elderly and isolated. Home deliveries are made if anyone is unable to attend. 


Soup and a Smile

Gifford Community Council has re-started it’s 'Soup and a Smile' delivery, once a week. Volunteers will deliver hot soup, a buttered roll and a scone to households where there is an older resident living alone. If you know someone in the village who might benefit please contact chairgiffordcc@gmail.com with details and contact can be made with them directly.