Types of Order/Licence (Statutory Throughcare)

Short Term Sex Offender Licence

If someone is convicted of a sexual offence and sentenced to more than 6 months but less than 4 years in custody they are automatically subject to supervision in the community when released at the mid-point of their sentence. However, in some circumstances the Court will impose an Extended Sentence which supersedes this type of Licence. This supervision will address issues that increase the risk of reoffending and support reintegration back into the local community.

Orders for Lifelong Restriction

This Order is imposed where the Court, following the submission of a report by a registered psychiatrist or psychologist, considers that the risk of causing harm to the public is so great that the person who has offended must be supervised on release from custody for their entire life. The Court will state the minimum custodial sentence that must be served after which the person can apply for release. In these cases, the Parole Board has the power to keep someone in custody for an indeterminate amount of time and their release will only be directed when the risk to the public is considered manageable. See Public Protection.

Supervised Release Order

Anyone who is sentenced to less than 4 years in custody for an offence that has caused harm to the public can be made subject to a Supervised Release Order. These can last up to 12 months, during which time the person who has offended is subject to supervision in the community. This supervision will address issues that increase the risk of reoffending and support reintegration back into the local community.