Financial impact of medicine waste
It's important to remember:
Prescriptions in Scotland are free but the cost of medicine is not.

East Lothian Prescription Costs 2023-24:
- over 1.8 million prescription items were issued in East Lothian in 2023-24.
- this cost over £24 million in one financial year alone.
- that's the equivalent of £2 million per month, £461,000 per week or £65,000 per day - only in East Lothian!
Individual prescriptions costs
- The average cost per prescription item in East Lothian in 2023-24 was £12.82.
- Prescription costs vary widely depending on the medication being issued.
- Some commonly used inhalers can cost around £45 each.
How do medical professionals manage prescription costs?
- Prescribers in East Lothian try to prescribe as efficiently as possible through use of local and national guidelines including the East Region Formulary. This is a list of medicines recommended for use for common ailments and illnesses.
- Prescribing medical practitioners also have access to prescribing support software.
- Where possible, over the counter medications will be recommended to patients to support common illnesses.
What can you do to reduce medicine costs?
- Check what medicines you have at home before oordering your next prescription.
- Only order what you need from your repeat prescription.
- Let your community pharmacy team know about anything you don't need if they order your prescription for you.
- Let your practice pharmacy team know if you take your medicines differently to what's on your prescription or dispensing label. Contact the pharmacy team by email
- Let your pharmacist know if you have medicines on your repeat prescriptions you no longer use.
- Let your GP or practice pharmacy team know if you feel you are experiencing side-effects from your medication. Contact the pharmacy team by email
- Ask your GP if you want to review how many medicines you are currently taking.
- Keep a small supply of common over the counter medicines such as paracetamol at home.
- Let your practice pharmacy team know if you are struggling with your medication or feel that you take too many medicines. Contact the pharmacy team by email
Are you struggling with your current medications?
If you, or a family member is struggling with their current prescribed medication, assistance is available from the East Lothian Pharmacy Team.
They can be contacted using the link below. Please only provide the information on the email form. The team will contact you directly for further information.