Right Care. Right Place. 
Getting the Right Care, in the Right Place, from the Right Professional means you can get the care you need as quickly as possible.
Across East Lothian, there are a wide range of health, medical and care services that can be accessed by getting in touch with the most appropriate health professionals first time around.
Your GP Practice does not need to be your first point of contact. You can GO DIRECT ⇒ to a number of Primary Care services.
NHS Inform
Go direct: Check your symptoms and gain access to self-help health information, support and advice visit NHS Inform.
Go direct: Your local pharmacy can provide you with expert help for treating a range of minor ailments and conditions.
Find out more about Pharmacy Services
Mental health
Go direct: For support, treatment and advice, book an appointment with the mental health team. This is not an emergency service. In a life-threatening emergency call 999.
Find out more about Mental Health support
Minor injuries
Go direct: Recently experienced a strain or sprain, wound or minor burn that needs dressing? A minor bump, eye injury, insect bite or sting that needs looking at. Call 111 for Minor Injuries.
Find out more about Minor Injuries
Dental care
Go direct: For any and all dental issues, please contact your registered dentist.
Find out more about dental care
Eye care
Go direct: For any and all issues affecting your eyes or eyesight, please contact an optician.
Find out more about eye care
Joint, muscle or back pain
Go direct: Contact the musculoskeletal physiotherapy service (MSK), who can help diagnose and treat your problem, including ordering x-rays.
Find out more about Musculoskeletal
Sexual health
Go direct: gain access to straightforward information and advice about sexual and reproductive health.
Find out more about sexual health services
NHS 24
Go direct: If you require urgent medical advice and your condition is not a life-threatening emergency, call NHS 24 on 111. You can also call 111 when your GP Practice is closed.
Call NHS 24 on 111 on your mobile
'Care When It Counts' is a multi-disciplinary team of practitioners supporting GP practices, providing on-the-day appointments to assist with medical concerns.
Find out more about the CWIC service
'Community Treatment And Care Service' is a nurse lead team providing wound care, ear irrigation, vitamin B12 injections and the removal of sutures and staples.
Find out more about CTACS
From infant inoculations to seasonal flu and covid boosters. The vaccination team deliver routine and seasonal vaccinations across the county.
Find out more about vaccinations
GP Practice
Go direct: For medical advice, treatment or prescriptions, please contact your local medical practice. On contacting the practice you will be asked for a brief description of your enquiry, so you can be directed to the most appropriate medical professional.
Find out more about GP Practices
Rehabilitation Service
Go direct: East Lothian Rehabilitation Service has a website with self-help guides, tools and links to help with muscular and joint pains plus equipment guides to keep you supported at home.
Find out more about the Rehab Service
Maternity services
Go direct: From the early days of pregancy, giving birth and the first few years of your baby's life. The maternity services and health visiting team are with you all the way.
Find out more about maternity and health visitor services
Podiatry Service
Go direct: Podiatry specialise in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of a wide of conditions affectng the feet. From address foot pain and injuries or managing infections and structural issues.
Find out more about the Podiatry Service