Key questions
Will 1140 hours funding still be available at Bright Stars Nurseries
No. Funding for 1140 hours is available at early years childcare settings where the provider is in a contract with the council for the provision of funding. The council’s contract with the companies that previously operated these nurseries has expired. Following careful consideration, we have decided not to enter into a contract with Bright Stars or their subsidiaries in relation to those childcare settings.
When will my 1140 hours funding end?
The funding will end on 7 October. After this date, parents will be unable to access 1140hours funding at any Bright Stars Group Ltd settings in East Lothian.
Why are you not renewing the contract?
Following careful consideration, the Council’s view is that the Bright Stars Nursery Group has not been meeting the National Standards of Early Learning and Childcare as set by the Scottish Government in its four East Lothian-based settings. We have been engaging with Bright Stars Nursery Group for some months on this issue to find a suitable resolution. However, unfortunately we have been unable to enter into a new contract with them and 1140hours funding will not be available from 7 October 2022.
Further information is available in our parent letter issued on 15 September.
Can I still use Bright Stars Group Ltd?
Yes, the nurseries remain open and families can choose to use the group’s four East Lothian settings. However, as they are no longer an 1140 hours partner provider, you will not be able to access your 1140 hours funding for your child’s attendance.
What should I do?
You can stay with Bright Stars Group or source alternative 1140 hours funded provision from a partner provider or from a council setting: full details of alternative providers are available from our website: and our Early Years Team is available to help you with council provision and options. Please be aware of the contract terms between you and Bright Stars Group Ltd and any notice period that exists.
What happens after 7 October 2022?
If your child continues at Bright Stars Group Ltd, you will need to fund all of the hours that they attend after that date.
Can I receive my 1140 hours funding directly and purchase the hours from Bright Stars Group Ltd?
No. Scottish Government 1140 hours funding is paid to the local authority and then to the Early Learning and Childcare provider. Funding is not paid directly to parents.
I previously paid for extra hours at Bright Stars Group Ltd. Can I purchase or access extra hours in a council setting?
Our council settings only offer 1140 hours of Early Learning and Childcare. You can choose a blended placement – where your child attends more than one setting (for example, a council nursery and a private nursery or childminder) or use a private provider.
Will you provide transport?
We do not provide transport to children attending any of our early years’ facilities.
Who can I contact about my next steps?
Along with the information on our website, our Early Years team is available to help you. A dedicated email address where you can send any queries directly to them
Alternatively phone a member of our Early Years Team on Monday to Friday between the hours of 9.30am to 4.00pm – 07925 360227 or 07580 302 963.
I don’t agree with your decision and would like to complain. How do I do this?
You can send your correspondence to our Customer Feedback team: