Employability and job support - Covid-19
East Lothian Works - advice and employability support (including Young Person's Guarantee)
Our office is closed but we are still open for business. Our helpline is open to all residents of East Lothian.
Call us - 07890 066391, open Mon-Friday, 10am-4pm (you can leave us a message outwith these hours)
Email us: elworks@eastlothian.gov.uk
Young people (at school)
- information and support applying for a Foundation Apprenticeship
- advice about future pre-vocational courses and how to apply
- online support for school pupils currently accessing a pre-vocational course with East Lothian Works (contact our helpline number or email us)
- access to e-learning (contact our helpline number or email us)
Post school and adults
- employability - we offer a range of courses including general employability skills and sector specific training - support to move into work is offered in groups or on a 1:1 basis
- No One Left Behind - we offer 1:1 support if you are not job ready but wish to take your next steps towards employment, further education or training - this includes individuals about to leave school or who have left school, including all ages of adults
- Adult Literacy and Numeracy (ALN) - learning and building new skills, upskilling for work and SQA qualifications
- English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)
Skills Development Scotland offer:
- SDS National Helpline - 0800 917 8000
- career information, advice and guidance for all people- via telephone, Skype or online.
- to speak to a careers ddviser: call the local SDS team on 0131 665 3120 or visit www.myworldofwork.co.uk
- for school pupils and parents - school careers advisers can be contacted via telephone, Skype or email - you can also get referred to your school careers adviser by contacting your school or the local SDS team on 0131 665 3120
- anybody at risk of or who has been made redundant, can access our PACE (Partnership Action for Continuing Employment) support service - individuals and employers can call the PACE Helpline on 0800 917 8000 or visit www.redundancyscotland.co.uk
Job search support
If you are looking for employment, at risk of losing your job, facing reduced hours or have lost your job because of covid-19 - these websites have information to help you get support and to search for live job vacancies:
Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region
Search live vacancies on the covid-19 job support website
Find a job (from the Department of Work and Pensions)
Search job vacancies on the government's job matching service
Tourism and hospitality
Search the jobs portal for workers from tourism and hospitality
Rural and land-based sector
The skills matching service from Lantra puts businesses and potential employees with relevant skills and experience in touch with each other.
Join the skills matching service
DYW Skills Academy: Get Industry Ready
Did you leave school this summer? Are you looking for a job or apprenticeship? The DYW Skills Academy is for you.
The ‘Get Industry Ready’ sessions give insight, skills and knowledge needed to build your industry readiness. You will learn at your own pace with weekly video content delivered by industry experts alongside bite sized e-learning and to top off the experience, if you are actively applying for jobs or apprenticeships there are additional experiences just for you.
Find out more on the Skills Academy website
Further sources of support with jobs and careers
- To search for all the current apprenticeship vacancies visit apprenticeship.scot
- If you are a young person looking for a job or apprenticeship the DWY jobs board has all the latest vacancies in Edinburgh and the Lothians.
- East Lothian Works
- Education Scotland
- Citizen Advice Bureau
- Connected Communities Resillience Bases - supporting vulnerable people in critical need