The Local Housing Strategy 2018-2023

The Housing (Scotland) Act 2001 requires local authorities to prepapre a Local Housing Strategy (LHS) for their area. This LHS sets out the strategy, priorities and plans for the delivery of housing and related services across East Lothian from 2018-23.

Local Housing Strategy 2018-23

Our Vision - Healthy, sustainable homes in vibrant communities, that meet increasing levels of need, reduce inequalities and improve wellbeing across all stages of people's lives.

Key Principles

Three principles underpin the Local Housing Strategy 2018-23;

  • Sustainability - the potential environmental impacts of the LHS on the wider community have been considered through an Integrated Impact Assessment.
  • Equalities - East Lothian Council is committed to tackling and reducing inequalities. The Integrated Impact Assessment for the LHS promotes equality, human rights and sustainability.
  • Health and Wellbeing - Housing has a key role to play in improving health and wellbeing. A Health Impact Assessment has been undertaken to ensure the principle of health and wellbeing is valued and underpins all aspects of the LHS.

View the LHS Supporting Papers

Consultation and Engagement

To inform the LHS, a wide range of opportunities for consultation and engagement were put in place from an early stage.

Download Supporting Paper 1: Consultation and Engagement