YMI East Lothian

The Youth Music Initiative (YMI) is a national music education programme funded by the Scottish Government and administered by Creative Scotland, the public body that supports the arts, screen and creative industries in Scotland. The YMI provides annual funding to every local authority in Scotland to enable all pupils to engage with high quality and accessible music-making activities. 

A dedicated Arts Service team manages the programme for East Lothian council, working closely with professional musicians, partner organisations and other LA departments including the Instrumental Music Service and Youth Work. Projects are offered to schools at no cost, and can be extended in length where schools are able to contribute further funding such as PEF.

YMI Aims:

  • provide a diverse programme of high quality and accessible musical experiences
  • promote equal opportunity of access for all pupils to participate as well special opportunities for target groups
  • tackle inequality and engage young people (from pre school upwards) who would not otherwise be able to participate
  • enable young people to achieve their potential in or through music-making
  • support East Lothian Council's increased focus on health and wellbeing
  • offer music-making opportunities through the use of digital technology
  • support the professional development of YMI practitioners for the benefit of young people
  • offer training for teachers and school staff to ensure a legacy of music-making in schools and community


In East Lothian, we typically run between fourteen and eighteen projects each year. The film below showcases six of these projects.

Browse Current Projects