East Lothian Local Employability Partnership
East Lothian’s Local Employability Partnership (LEP) is a strategic partnership group. Its purpose is to drive forward the implementation of the No One Left Behind strategy, through collaborative planning and leadership.
Our Vision
The overall aim of the partnership is to support East Lothian residents into fair, sustainable jobs and to contribute towards positive economic growth across the region. Employability services are fundamental to reducing social and economic inequalities in our communities. The LEP will work to better align resource towards employability priorities in East Lothian. This will be in response to the Council Plan and feedback from stakeholders.
The LEP is made up of representatives from key partners who contribute in a strategic capacity to shape and influence employability services:
Department for Work and Pensions
Edinburgh, Midlothian and East Lothian - Developing the Young Workforce
Health and Social Care Partnership
The LEP will report to East Lothian Council’s Connected Economy Group, via East Lothian Works.
LEP Delivery Plan
The LEP has developed a 3 year Delivery Plan which outlines the planned employability infrastructure and provision across East Lothian. The plan will be updated annually to reflect local need and the changing economic circumstances.
Download and read the Delivery Plan
No One Left Behind Resourse Handbook
Download and read the Handbook
For further information contact:
East Lothian Works at elworks@eastlothian.gov.uk or call 01620 827262.