Domestic abuse

Help for women

Any violence against women, including lesbian and transgender women, is never the fault of the victim and it is never OK, no matter what the circumstances. If you or someone you know is experiencing any form of violence, please know that you are not alone and there are people who you can talk to and various ways to help keep you safe.

  • National Domestic Abuse Helpline - 0800 027 1234 (24 hours)
  • Women's Aid East and Midlothian - 0131 561 5800 (Mon-Fri 9am-2pm)
  • Rape Crisis Scotland - 0808 801 0302
  • Edinburgh Women's Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre - 0131 556 9437
  • Fearless domestic abuse service for 16+ year olds of all races, religions, beliefs, abilities, gender identities, sexes or sexual orientation - 0131 624 7266
  • Shakti Women's Aid helps BME women, children, and young people experiencing, or who have experienced, domestic abuse from a partner, ex-partner, and/ or other members of the household - 0131 475 2399
  • Domestic Abuse Liaison Officer (Police Scotland) - 0131 561 6124
  • Emergency Social Care Service - 0800 731 6969
  • Police Scotland - 101
  • in an emergency always call 999

Gender based violence

Gender based violence is a function of gender inequality and an abuse of male power and privilege. It is men who predominantly carry out such violence and women who are predominantly the victims of such violence.

It encompasses but is not limited to:

  • physical, sexual and emotional violence
  • domestic abuse, rape, incest and child sexual abuse
  • sexual harassment and intimidation
  • commercial sexual exploitation, prostitution, pornography and trafficking
  • dowry related violence, female genital mutilation, forced and child marriages, honour crimes

Help for men

Men, including gay, bisexual and transgender men, can also experience violence including domestic abuse. Relationship violence is never the fault of the victim and it is never ok no matter what the circumstances. If you are a man (or if you know a man) who is experiencing violence there are people who you can talk to and who can help keep you safe:

  • Fearless domestic abuse service for 16+ year olds of all races, religions, beliefs, abilities, gender identities, sexes or sexual orientation - 0131 624 7266
  • Men's Advice Line - 0808 801 0327 (
  • Abused Men in Scotland - 0131 447 7449 (
  • Police Scotland - 101
  • in an emergency always call 999

Domestic Abuse Service Pathway (DASP) following a police incident

Our Domestic Abuse Service, Women's Aid East and Midlothian, EDDACs and Police Scotland work together to offer prompt support and safety planning following a domestic abuse incident through our referral system. We ensure that most the suitable support agency responds and avoid people being contacted numerous times.

Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC)

The purpose of the MARAC is to improve the safety of high risk victims of domestic abuse and their children or other vulnerable dependants. The complexities of domestic abuse mean that no one agency can achieve this on their own. By sharing information from a range of agencies, the MARAC can obtain a full picture of what is going on and the risks faced by the victim, their children or any other vulnerable dependants in the household and a multi agency action plan can address those risks.