Community Payback Order (CPO)
This Order is imposed by the Court to support a person who offends to address their offending behaviour. The Order contains up to ten requirements, each one offering the opportunity to change behaviour, 'pay back' to the local community or protect the public and potential victims of crime. The ten requirements are:
- Supervision - this can last between six months and three years and you will meet regularly with a Social Worker and/or Social Work Assistant. - a full assessment will be completed and a Case Management Plan will be created to address the issues which increase the risk of reoffending
- Unpaid Work or Other Activity - this can be any number of hours between 20 and 300 and is for the purposes of paying back to your local community by completing unpaid work - the other activity gives the opportunity to develop skills, for example through education or training, to support reintegration into the community and promote positive change
- Programme - this is a planned set of activities to address offending behaviour and may be in the form of group or individual interventions, for example Caledonian or Moving Forward: Making Changes
- Compensation - this requires the payment of compensation to the victim of your offence
- Residence - this requires residence at a named address
- Mental Health - when there has been a diagnosis of a mental health condition and/or learning disability that contributes to offending behaviour, then treatment with mental health providers is directed
- Drug Treatment - when drug dependency is connected to offending behaviour and where a Drug Testing and Treatment Order is not suitable
- Alcohol Treatment - when alcohol dependency is connected to offending behaviour
- Conduct - to prevent specific activities that increase the risk of offending or support activities that reduce the risk of offending
- Restricted Movement - the person can be required to remain at a specific address for up to 12 hours a day, and/or to stay away from a specific address for up to 24 hours a day - his requirement can be imposed by the courts for a period of up to 12 months