How to request social care services support

Self-supported care 

There are a number of ways that you can support yourself to maintain your independence. 

Below are some ideas and suggestions: 

Kinship, community and volunteer support

Across East Lothian there are a number of recognised groups and organisations that provide advice and support for those who may be in need of community care.

There are also a number of agencies and voluntary organisations that provide local and national services, ranging from advice to direct support to different sections of the community. 

Likewise, family, friends and neighbours can be a source of support to help with every day simple activities, e.g. going to the shops.

Requesting a social care 'needs assessment' 

If you think either yourself or a loved one would benefit from some care support the first step is to request a needs assesment from the East Lothian Adult Social Work Team. 

As well as a full needs assessment, the team can provide advice and support information about payment options, eiligibilty for fiancial aid, and the range of options available to you. 

Contact the Adult Social Care Services Team 

T: 01875 824 309

During the needs assessment a social worker will:

  • Assess your level of need
  • Discuss your needs with you and your family
  • Discuss any medical conditions or disabilities that you have
  • Check what support you currently have in place
  • See if you are eligible for support in line with current eligibility criteria
  • Identify if you are eligible for financial support
  • Provide information and advice around options available to you

Waiting times for assessment vary depending on demand for the service and your own circumstances.

If the need for an assessment is urgent, this process can happen more quickly.