Guide to social care charging

Free personal care  

Across Scotland, anyone who requires personal care, to assist them with dressing, washing, feeding and toileting, will receive this service FREE of charge. 

Support at home charges

You may be asked to make a payment towards the cost of care at home services.  The amount you will be asked to pay will depend on your financial circumstances. 

Services arranged by East Lothian Council and/or East Lothian Health and Social Care Partnership that may incur a charge include: 

  • Care at home services that are not considered personal care 
  • Over night services 
  • Home meal services
  • Attendance at day centres or lunch clubs 
  • Community alarm / telecare service
  • Home adaptations to private properties 
  • Respite care 

Charging policy

East Lothian Council never charges more for a service that it costs to deliver.  In most cases, the charges that are applied are much less than the cost to deliver.

For further information on social care charging, please download our information leaflets

Social care charging information guides


Residential charging 

If it is determined that you or a loved one would benefit from a residential care home placement, a financial assessment will be undertaken to check if you are eligible for funding, and / or what contribution you are required to pay for your care home placement.

The assessment takes into account your income, savings and any property you own.  If you are part of a couple, the financial assessment will only take into account the finances of the person moving into the care home.

You can choose not to complete the financial assessment form, however, you will be charged the full cost of your care minus any Free Personal & Nursing Care Payments you are eligible for.

Your care home may charge additional fees for some services including hairdressing, newspapers, dry cleaning and private telephone line rentals. Your care home will be able to provide you with a list of these charges.

Further information

Care Information Scotland provides a detailed information about the costs of care home placements, and advice about savings and property ownership.

Visit the Care Information Scotland website