"I need to be married to become a foster carer"
- No, as long as you have a spare room in your house and are over the age of 21 you can be a foster carer. A full list of eligibility criteria can be found here; who can foster?
"Fostering means I have to care for a child long term"
- There are actually many different types of fostering, from long to short term care and many more. Fostering is designed to be as flexible towards the carer and child in order to find the most suitable placements for all involved. A full explanation of different types of fostering can be found here; different types of fostering.
"I won't know any information about a foster child before they are placed in my care"
- We will try and give you as much as possible so that you are as prepared and informed as you can be. Our social workers will work with you to help you go through information about the child and help you with any questions you may have.
"I need to have any qualifications to become a foster carer"
- No, You do not need to have professional qualifications as we provide you with all the support and training you need before becoming a foster carer so that you feel ready to start fostering and so that the child.
"I can't foster if I have my own children"
- Not true, as long as you have the room for fostering you are able to foster alongside looking after your own children. Many people do this, particularly when their own children leave home as they have a good understanding of what it takes to care for a child and they have the space to host them.
"I don't think you get paid for fostering"
- All of our foster carers get paid, a full breakdown of this can be found here; what would I be paid?
"I don't get any help during a foster care placement"
- Our dedicated fostering team are available to help and support you every step of the way as well as your own dedicated social worker who you will work closely with. More information on what it is like fostering with us can be found here; why foster with us?