Safety and protection

You have the right to:

  • feel safe and secure where you live and in all aspects of your life, including health and wellbeing
  • enjoy safety but not be overprotected
  • be protected from all forms of physical, emotional or mental violence, injury, abuse or neglect - including bullying and racial violence
  • have a say in any sanctions used where you live
  • not have sanctions used such as the threat or use of physical punishment, being deprived of food, being deprived of contact with your family, social worker, doctor or dentist
  • request refuge accommodation provided by the local authority if you feel unsafe and at risk of being harmed.

Child protection

Your council has a Child Protection Procedure and guidance which must be followed to ensure your safety and the safety of all young people.  For more information, speak to your social worker, children's rights officer or advocacy worker.

Staff and carers duty to protect and promote your safety

Staff and carers have a duty to protect and promote your safety and welfare.  If your behaviour is considered to be a significant risk to yourself or others, staff or carers must try to calm you or the situation down using acceptable methods.  This is called de-escalation.
If this does not help, then they can physically stop you from hurting yourself or others.  This is called physical restraint or safe holding and must only be used as a last resort.

Managing your behaviour

You have the right to information on how your behaviour will be managed if it considered to be a risk to yourself or others.

  • Your liberty should only be restricted by a legitimate authority - for example, a children's panel or court.
  • Staff and carers have to assess the risk involved in any behaviour or activity so that you are kept safe.
  • This could mean having an agreed behaviour or crisis management plan as part of your overall care plan.  You should be involved in drawing this up.